The Write Reads Blog Tour: The Haunting Scent of Poppies by Victoria Williamson

First of all, huge thanks to Victoria Williamson and Silver Thistle Press for the fabulous gift package, which included poppy seeds (which I look forward to growing!) and opium incense, as you can see in the photo, as well as the book. I’m not usually eligible for these (I live in Ireland) so I really appreciate it! Thank you!

To date, I’ve only reviewed middle grade and occasionally young adult books on my blog, but I am making an exception in this case because Victoria Williamson is a hugely popular middle grade, and more recently young adult, author, , as well as an immensely talented one! I loved War of the Wind, The Whistlers in the Dark and Feast of Ashes. I am delighted to add ‘The Haunting Scent of Poppies’ to the list.

When Charlie Briggs, draft-dodger, thief, and all round small-minded criminal, chances upon a rare and valuable copy of ‘The Art of War’ in a small town bookshop, he seizes the opportunity to steal it. Unfortunately for Charlie, the book is (apparently) cursed, and soon Charlie is pursued by a shambling figure, visions of death in the trenches, and haunted by the horrors of war. Can Charlie escape or will he suffer the same fate as the previous owner of the book?

The Haunting Scent of Poppies is a short book and I want to avoid spoilers, but I have to say it’s very well executed, totally atmospheric, and (as expected) wonderfully depicted characters and setting. The story opens six weeks after the end of World War One, and truly brings to mind the absolute horrors of war, and in particular the hell of ‘The Great War’ in an evocative and heartfelt way. The after effects of that war still echo to this day and it’s powerfully depicted in this story.

The other thing that stood out to me is how repellent meanness is. Does Charlie deserve the punishment that threatens? The reader can decide but Charlie is a mean, small-minded criminal who only thinks of himself. Self-destructive and soul-destroying – and also very hard to change.

The Haunting Scent of Poppies is a gripping layered story, with the anguished cry of the dying soldier ‘Remember me’ sure to stay with the reader. Highly recommended addition to any library. I really hope to read more horror from this author, and I would like to add how much I loved the size of this book – a perfect stocking filler!

From the publisher:

Victoria Williamson

Ultimate Tour

Book Info

Genre: Historical Fiction/YA/Horror

Published: 1st of December 2023 by Silver Thistle Press

Length: 59 pages


A spine-chilling winter ghost story set in the months after the Great War. Perfect for lovers of MR James and Susan Hill

The War is over, but for petty criminal Charlie his darkest days are only just beginning.

Charlie Briggs is never off-duty, even when a botched job means he’s forced to lay low in a sleepy Hampshire town for the holiday season. Always searching for his next unwitting victim, or a shiny trinket he can pilfer, he can’t believe his luck when he happens upon a rare book so valuable it will set him up for life. All he needs to do is sit tight until Boxing Day. But there’s a desperate story that bleeds beyond the pages; something far more dangerous than London’s mobsters is lurking in the shadows.

Could the book be cursed? Why is he haunted by the horrors of war? Can he put things right before he’s suffocated by his own greed?

About the Author

Victoria Williamson is an award-winning author who grew up in Scotland surrounded by hills, books, and an historical farm estate which inspired many of her early adventure stories and spooky tales.

After studying Physics at the University of Glasgow, she set out on her own real-life adventures, which included teaching maths and science in Cameroon, training teachers in Malawi, teaching English in China and working with children with additional support needs in the UK. Victoria currently works part time writing KS2 books for the education company Twinkl and spends the rest of her time writing novels, and visiting schools, libraries and literary festivals to give author talks and run creative writing workshops.

Victoria’s previous novels include The Fox Girl and the White Gazelle, The Boy with the Butterfly Mind, Hag Storm, and War of the Wind. She has won the Bolton Children’s Fiction Award 2020/2021, The YA-aldi Glasgow Secondary School Libraries Book Award 2023, and has been shortlisted for the Week Junior Book Awards 2023, The Leeds Book Awards 2023, the Red Book Award 2023, the James Reckitt Hull Book Awards 2021, The Trinity School Book Awards 2021, and longlisted for the ABA South Coast Book Awards 2023, the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize 2020, and the Branford Boase Award 2019.

Her latest novel, The Pawnshop of Stolen Dreams, is a middle grade fantasy inspired by classic folklore. Twenty percent of the author royalties for this book are donated to CharChar Literacy, an organisation working to improve children’s literacy levels in Malawi. You can find out more about Victoria’s books, school visits and free resources for schools on her website:

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